Defizit hontzak

 Defizit hontzak iluntasunean daude. Hontzek iluntasunean ikusi ahal dute” (Stphanie Kelton, 2012.09.12).

J.A. Myerson-ek dioenez[1],

Ez enplegatutako horrenbeste kapital eta lan-indar edukita, ezin dugu inflazioaz kezkatu, eta ezin dugu inoiz defizitari buruz kezkatu, ez bada oso txikia dela, orain bezala.”

Baina, “… irakasleak zorionekoak dira, haiek Warren Mosler daukate.”

Mosler balio handikoa da[2].

Mosler-ek adierazten duenez,

“…the government does almost all its spending by merely crediting bank accounts. Congress, via the Treasury Department, instructs the Federal Reserve to increase the size of a balance, by a keystroke.”

Eta hori zaila da gezurtatzeko.

Eta zergapetzeaz Mosler-ek dioena ere,

“…To levy a tax, the government simply debits bank accounts; i.e., it decreases the sizes of balances. It doesn’t collect a mound of dollars and store them in a vault, to be spent later. It sucks them right out of existence. The balance drops, and the money is gone.”

Aipatutakoa oso zaila da deuseztatzeko.

Arazo nagusia, alta, langabezia da.

Hontzek proposatzen dutena hauxe da[3]: langabetuak enplegatzea.

Gobernua eta job guaranttee delako programa:

The government should guarantee a job for everyone who wants it, doing one of the useful things that people want done.”

Erretiroa dela eta, eta FIRE delakoaren aurka, ortodoxiak honela diosku:

Now, lo and behold, the distended, cocaine-addled Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate sector is greedily licking its chops and giddily stroking its flanks at the prospect of eating up the retirement money we’ve socially been “saving up.” If we’re lucky, progressives will try all manner of rearguard actions to insure that the savings stay in the public sector.”

Hontzek, aldiz, honela:

“…we don’t have to “save” dollars at all. We will always to be able to afford the amenities that constitute a dignified retirement.”

Ez dela behar ezer ‘aurreztu’, moneta subiranoa daukaten herrialdeetan.

Zorionez, interneti esker, hontzen eta hontzen kumeen mezuak zabalduz doaz[4].

[2] Myerson-en hitzez: “…Mosler contributes something just as valuable: his credibility on monetary operations. His longtime ground-level proximity to money creation makes it extremely difficult to refute him when he explains that the government does almost all its spending by merely crediting bank accounts. Congress, via the Treasury Department, instructs the Federal Reserve to increase the size of a balance, by a keystroke.”

[3] Aspaldiko ‘belatzak versus usoak’ delako borrokaren erdian hontzak azaldu dira: teoria ekonomiko baten eskola berrikoak, MMT-koak, hots, DTM-koak. Ikus

[4]  Ingelesez: “Thanks in part to the energetic diligence of the internet’s large and expanding community of owls and owlets, more public economists are coming to wrestle with, and appropriate concepts from, MMT.”

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