Warren Mosler Bulgarian

Mosler austeritatearen aukako manifestazio batean[1].  Hori heroia da[2].

Mosler-ek parte hartzen du elkarretaratzean, batzuek CIArako (sic) lan egiten duela esaten bide duten artean.

Hobe ME-MMT (hots, Mosler Ekonomia[3]-DTM) ikastea, eta gero kritikatzea merituei dagokienez eta ez asmatutako estereotipo ergeletan oinarrituz[4].

[1]  Ikus http://mikenormaneconomics.blogspot.com.es/2013/11/warren-mosler-taking-personal-risks-on.html. Ingelesezko itzulpena: “This man could live peacefully and comfortably at his home in the Virgin Islands, devoting himself to his family and his hobbies. But having understood the problem, and having a thirty-year experience in the financial and monetary system, has decided that [he] can not stand by and watch while the Western economies, [] follow a mad criminal ideology, leading to drain millions of households and businesses.

[4]  Ikus http://mikenormaneconomics.blogspot.com.es/2013/11/warren-mosler-taking-personal-risks-on.html.  Ingelesezko itzulpena: “Here .. in Bulgaria, after holding the meeting economic, [he] descends through the crowd to join the protests against austerity (which are also [destroying] the economy). Now I say to those who accuse him of being a spy for the CIA to be a banker who is just defending its interests, stop. Study the ME-MMT, and then [criticize] as well, but [do so] on the merits and not by attacking stupid [invented] stereoty.”

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