Warren Mosler

Soft Currency Economics (aka Modern Monetary Theory) [1]

Bi liburu:

Soft Currency Economics[2], 1995ean argitaratua:  Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) delakoaren oinarria

The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy[3], 2010ean argitaratua

Gizona eta biografia[4]

Beste jende batzuek Mosler-i buruz diotena[5]

Mosler-en 11 irtenbide ekonomiko 2008ko hondamendirako[6]

Mosler-en mass-median:

The Economist aldizkarian: Heterodox economics. Marginal revolutionaries[7]

Washington Post egunkarian: You know the deficit hawks. Now meet the deficit owls[8]


Modern Monetary Theory, hots, Diru Teoria Modernoa (Stephanie Kelton-i Lauryn Lyster-ek egindako elkarrizketa[9].)


The Center for Full Employment and Price Stability (CFEPS)[10], non ekonomiari buruzko artikulu on batzuk aurkitu daitezkeen[11]

(DTM-ri buruzko beste autore batzuk: Stephanie Kelton, Randall Wray eta Bill Mitchell.)


Videos – Soft Currency Economics aka Modern Monetary Theory[12]

Modern Money & Public Purpose 2: Governments Are Not House[13]


Diseinuaz, hona hemen Mosler-en lagun batek esandakoa: “… the Soft Currency Economics book was analogous to the children’s story The Little Engine that Could[14]. If you know the book, it is an illustrated children’s book about a train that was first published in the United States in 1930. The story is used to teach children to value optimism and hard work and not to give up. If you don’t give up, you can reach your goal.[15]”

[1] Ikus http://www.mosler.org/docs/docs/soft0004.htm.

[2] Ikus http://www.amazon.com/Soft-Currency-Economics-MMT-ebook/dp/B009XDGZLI.

[3] Ikus http://www.amazon.com/Deadly-Innocent-Frauds-Economic-ebook/dp/B00BGWOXEK: “If you read The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds you will get the understanding that much of what happens in Washington is driven by special interest groups and the reason why there is a desire to propagate a misunderstanding on how the economy operates is because the special interest groups want to take control away from the government.”

[4] Ikus http://moslereconomics.com/warren-mosler-bio/.

[5] Ikus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Mosler.

[6] Ikus http://blogs.reuters.com/rolfe-winkler/2010/01/08/moslers-11-steps-to-fix-the-economy/.

[7] Ikus http://www.economist.com/node/21542174.

[8] Ikus http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/post/you-know-the-deficit-hawks-now-meet-the-deficit-owls/2011/08/25/gIQAHsoONR_blog.html.

[9]   Ikus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6yna7Q7pvg.

[10] Ikus http://www.cfeps.org/.

[11] Ikus http://www.cfeps.org/whatsnew/.

[12] Ikus www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1uWVj0YJ3M&list=PL85C3640A1C6F23DA&index=39.

[13] Ikus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba8XdDqZ-Jg.

[14]  Ikus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Little_Engine_That_Could;  http://www.mrjonathan.com/mxrm9files/AR/Little%20Engine%20that%20Could.pdf; https://archive.org/details/TheLittleEngineThatCould.

[15] Honela segitzen du Mosler-ek, ingelesez: “My colleague indicated that the Soft Currency Economics book was the little engine of economics. It was the little engine that could legitimately challenge the big engines, namely the classical and the neo-classical schools of economics.  He indicated that it was not going to be easy and it was not going to happen quickly, but if Soft Currency Economics (what is now known as Modern Monetary Theory) and those that support it  and advance it in the public arena just believed that they could, they would. And today, I would say we are getting closer to the top of the mountain. Once we get there, we will gain phenomenal pace and create prosperity for all. Thanks for your support.”

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