Itsuak dira ala itsututa daude?

Esan ohi denez, “ez dago itsuagorik ikusi nahi ez duenik baino.”

Ekonomiari dagokionez, benetan itsuak dira eta, harrigarria bada ere, ez dute ikusi nahi…

Azken egunetan entzundako zenbait bitxikeriak horixe baieztatzen dute:

i)                 “Ez daude legeak ekonomia zientzian”

Alta, Warren Mosler-ek zenbait lege plazaratu ditu, besteak beste hauek:

There is no financial crisis so deep that a sufficiently large tax cut or spending increase cannot deal with it

The funds to pay taxes and buy government securities come from government spending

Taxes function to regulate aggregate demand, and not to raise revenue per se.

ii)                “Dagoena birbanatu behar da”

Ez dute ezer ikasi.

Gogoratu: Birbanaketarik ala aurre-banaketarik?[1]

Ikasiko ote dute inoiz?

iii)               “Ekonomian,  etorkizunaz ezin da ezer aurreratu”

Alta, DTM-koak etengabe ari dira planak eta programak plazaratzen, blog honetan ikus daitekeen moduan.

Hona hemen azken tanta, berriki argitaratua:

Joe Firestone-ren Berdintasuna, DTM, benetako erantzukizun fiskala eta demokrazia berrasmatzea[2].

Firestone-k, beste puntu batzuen artean, honelakoak aipatzen ditu:

a)      Desberdintasuna[3] eta lan bermea[4]

b)      DTM eta benetako erantzukizun fiskala[5].

Firestone-k Banku Zentralaz eta Altxor Publikoaz, DTM-koen artean oso ezaguna dena ere aipatzen du:

There is, in fact, no constitutional limit on the amount of money our Federal Government can create and deficit spend if we expect that the impact of such spending will fulfill public purpose. And both the Federal Reserve and the Treasury can create (but not spend) money in unlimited quantities using authority delegated to them by Congress.”

Itsuak? Itsututa?

Ez dakit

Dena den, benetako itsu fisikoek, ONCEkoek zertxobait ikasi nahi dute ekonomiaz.

Hona albistea: Finantza kapitalismoa braillez[6].


[1] Ikus

[2] Ikus Equality, MMT, Real Fiscal Responsibility, and Re-inventing Democracy:

[3] Ikus The Benefits of Economic Expansions Are Increasingly Going to the Richest Americans:

[4] Ikus Tides Lift All Yachts: Why the 1% Grabs all the Gains From Growth:

[5]  Hona hemen etorkizunerako programa antzeko bat:

“There are other aspects of public purpose that can be targeted by fiscal policies, and that have received attention from MMT economists. These include the following problems:

  1.  Replacing a stagnating economy with one operating at its full potential; closing the current output gap;
  2.  Creating and maintaining full employment along with implementing the right to a living wage;
  3.  Creating and maintaining Price stability;
  4.  Implementing the human right of healthcare for everyone;
  5.  Creating a world class educational system once again;
  6.  Preventing further environmental degradation and ending climate change-inducing impacts of human activity before reaching the climate tipping point;
  7.  Reinventing/repairing US Infrastructure and transportation systems;
  8.  Reinventing US energy foundations to rely primarily on solar and wind energy, and other renewables;
  9.  Eliminating racial and gender inequality;
  10. Eliminating educational inequality of opportunity;
  11. Eliminating inequality of opportunity;
  12. Reducing economic inequality over time to a level that is not threatening to democracy;
  13. Ending poverty;
  14. Creating a legal system providing equal justice for all rather than preferential treatment for the wealthy and large corporation;
  15. Compensating working people for economic deprivation caused by the crash of 2008.

[6] Ikus


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