TTIP delakoaz hitz bi: nahikoa eta sobera

TTIP1 delakoaz (euskaraz: Merkataritza eta Inbertsio Lankidetza Transatlantikoa) hamaika txosten, artikulu eta saiakera plazaratzen ari dira, baita zenbait ekitaldi gauzatu ere.

Nazioarteko merkataritzaz, zertxobait aipatu genuen blog honetan aspaldian:

a) Europa eta Mundua2.

b) Nazioarteko ekonomia eta ‘inperialismoa’3.

Gainera, orain badakigu BPGn Txinak AEB gailendu duela4.

Jakin dugu, halaber, Errusian errubloak moneta flotatzaile5 bilakatzen ari dela, azkenean!

Izan ere, mundu ekonomikoa aldatuz doa, etengabe. Alta, badakigu, ongi jakin, zein den giltzarik garrantzitsuena nazioarteko merkataritza trukeetan, Molser-en bidez6.

Beste aldetik, eta estatu desberdinen mailan,  aspalditik dakigu moneta subiranoko edozein herrialde ezin dela monetarik gabe geratu; gure kasu honetarako, AEB zein Eurogunea. Badaezpada ere, hona hemen AEB eta Europari buruzko politika ekonomikoaz R, Wray-k orain dela gutxi aipatu duena7.

Hortaz eta laburbilduz, AEBri dagokionez, nazioarteko edozein merkataritza truketaz ongi jakin behar duguna hauxe da, Mosler-en hitzez:

  1. all US govt spending is by ‘marking up numbers in bank accounts’ as Bernanke reported.”

  2. the causations are a bit different. It starts with a sale of a good or service to the US where the foreign company gets paid in dollars, which are a credit to a US bank account in their name, directly or indirectly. Ordinarily, that company would then sell those dollars for its local currency to meet its local currency obligations, and its balance sheet is generally in its local currency as well, where foreign currency holdings might be considered speculative. Selling those dollars causes its local currency to rise. If the CB doesn’t want the local currency to rise it will buy the dollars and hold them in its Fed account. “

  3. Generally the foreign CB buys its Treasury securities from the US Treasury with dollars it’s already purchased in the market. It does not do fx transactions with the US Treasury.

  4. The foreign country knows exactly what the terms and conditions are when it decides to facilitate the sale of real goods and services to the US in exchange for dollar balances at the Fed. “

  5. exports are real costs and imports real benefits, and that we benefit enormously from the trade deficit. That’s why I say it’s at the expense of their macro economies to net export to US.

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