Mosler-ek: Greziak Grexit delakoarekin mehatxatu behar du, Troikatik emaitzarik hoberena lortzeko1.
Greece must threaten Grexit to get best outcome from Troika2.
(Edward talks to Warren Mosler, chairman of Consulier Engineering on why the EU’s approach to the Greek debt crisis has failed to lift the Greek economy.)
Elkarrizketan aipatutakoa: TAN delakoa
Ikus “Get a TAN, Yanis: A Timely Alternative Financing Instrument for Greece”3.
Oinarrian TAN horiek Mosler bonoen4 antzekoak dira.
TAN horiek eta Mosler bonoek daukate arazo berbera:
“… eurogunean segitu nahi izateak politika fiskalaren murrizketak onartzea ekarriko luke, orain arte bederen. Gogorrena defizit fiskala BPGren %3a baino gutxiagokoa izatea.
Noski, euroguneko arauak errespetatuz, eta batez ere politika fiskalarenak (PBGren % 3a, bereziki), Mosler bonoak erabil daitezke …”
Hori dela eta, Mosler-ek ez du ikusten inongo arazo intelektualik, ezta ekonomikorik ere, moneta propioari, drakma berriari, atea irekitzeko, Bill Mitchell-ek drakma berriarekiko inolako oztoporik ez daukan antzera.
1 Ikus RT interview, UK inflation, retail sales mystery, Greece, Italian trade surplus:
2 Ikus —-> Watch the video (
3 Ikus
4 Mosler bonoez, ikus Nazioarteko Moneta Fondoa (NMF): Grezia esperimentu gisa: Halaber, ikus Zer egin EHn?:
joseba says:
Mosler: weak Greek position because of refusal to consider Grexit
“Greek leaders are in Brussels today attempting to negotiate new terms that would allow them to stay in the eurozone without having to maintain austerity measures and there’s no sign of a deal so far. There’s no question that the stakes are high: the country’s 240 billion-euro bailout program is set to expire in just a couple of weeks. A failure to reach a deal on an extension could mean a crisis for Greece’s public finances as well as the country’s already beleaguered banking system. Boom Bust guest host Ameera David weighs in.
Then, Edward sits down with Warren Mosler – president of Valance Co., Inc and chairman of Consulier Engineering. Warren tells us the EU’s approach to the Greek debt crisis has failed to lift the Greek economy. He explains the difference between a currency issuer and a currency user and warns that Greece cannot maximize its negotiating leverage given its insistence that it will not exit the eurozone. If Mosler were to negotiate on Greece’s behalf, all options would be on the table, as he believes the potential for Greece to manifest currency issuer status best allows it to fulfil public purpose and return Greece to economic health.“
joseba says:
EU continues to negotiate with Greece