Defizit publikoaz: argitasun
Public deficits are not initiated to be paid back, but to serve as a component of what can be called the ‘money supply’1
Alemaniaren esportazioaz, hitz bi
Warren B. Mosler @wbmosler uzt. 11
Now watch the euro appreciate until it decimates German exports. Greece was the last thing keeping it down.
Ralph Musgrave @RalphMus uzt. 11
@wbmosler If German exports get decimated, God help the exports of other EZ countries!
@RalphMus @wbmosler Even the strong DM never stood in the way of exports. Germany is an industrial monster that cannot be held back.
Ralph Musgrave @RalphMus uzt. 11
@EsoClose @wbmosler If Germany reverted to DMark there’d be less problem: rise in DMark would “hold it back” and bring external balance.
@RalphMus @wbmosler Not much. It would only boost competitiveness.
@EsoClose @wbmosler Rise in DMark would “boost competitiveness”??? The opposite, actually: makes German exports more expensive.
@RalphMus @wbmosler DM was never a hold back to exports. Beggar thy neighbour is poor policy anyway.
@EsoClose @RalphMus Germany used to sell DM to buy $ and even lira to keep DM down to support exports
2015 uzt. 12