Warren Mosler: Bernie Sanders-i buruzko twitterrak

(a) Noam Chomsky, Bernie Sanders

Brian Andersen@brianprogrammer

Chomsky on @BernieSanders in 1996.

Txertatutako irudiaren behin betiko esteka

2016 urt. 25

Warren B. Mosler@wbmosler

@brianprogrammer @NathanTankus @BernieSanders Right for the wrong reason which unfortunately works against a progressive agenda.

Brian Andersen@brianprogrammer

@wbmosler Right for the wrong reason still beats wrong. For ex @BernieSanders plan to pay for college by taxing equities. @NathanTankus

(b) Stephanie Kelton, Bernie Sanders

Stephanie Kelton@StephanieKelton

“deficit hysteria..has no credibility as anything but a political weapon” via @ddayen http://www.salon.com/2016/01/26/the_gops_new_anti_deficit_crusade_is_deeply_cynical_misleading_even_by_their_low_standards/ …2016 urt. 26

@MiamiDadeFLA@MiamiDadeFLA urt. 27

@StephanieKelton Why would @ddayen say that public investment is being “crowded out” when that’s not the case @stf18 @netbacker @DanMKervick

Stephanie Kelton@StephanieKelton urt. 27

Nothing wrong with the way he said it if you understand his point. @MiamiDadeFLA @ddayen @stf18 @netbacker

Jonathan Rabbitt@JonathanRabbitt urt. 27

@StephanieKelton Are you saying the marginal dollar of deficit is being spent on the wrong thing? @MiamiDadeFLA @ddayen @stf18 @netbacker

Stephanie Kelton@StephanieKelton urt. 27

@JonathanRabbitt @MiamiDadeFLA @ddayen @stf18 @netbacker No, and I don’t think he is either. But I won’t speak for Dave.

Jonathan Rabbitt@JonathanRabbitt urt. 27

Isn’t that what “crowded out” implies? And last 8 deficits been spent on what? @StephanieKelton @MiamiDadeFLA @ddayen @stf18 @netbacker

Warren B. Mosler@wbmosler urt. 26

@StephanieKelton @ddayen Sander’s tax hike proposal unfortunately means he also agrees that deficit spending is ‘bad’ 🙁

Dan Kervick@DanMKervick urt. 26

@wbmosler @StephanieKelton @ddayen Don’t see anything in his plan that says he intends to eliminate deficits.

@MiamiDadeFLA@MiamiDadeFLA urt. 26

Should you have watched Dem town hall: Sanders said he plans on paying for his program with tax hikes @DanMKervick. @wbmosler @netbacker

Dan Kervick@DanMKervick urt. 26

@MiamiDadeFLA @wbmosler @netbacker Yes, but he didn’t declare any program to reduce the deficit – unike Obama in 2008.

@MiamiDadeFLA@MiamiDadeFLA urt. 26

Sanders had multiple opportunities to reject the moderator’s frame that tax hikes were necessary as result @DanMKervick @wbmosler @netbacker

Dan Kervick@DanMKervick urt. 27

@MiamiDadeFLA @netbacker What’s he going to say: I’m going to raise the deficit by 700% but impose no taxes?

@MiamiDadeFLA@MiamiDadeFLA urt. 27

All he has to say is ~what he did: the additional government spending is less than what would be spent on private @DanMKervick @netbacker

Dan Kervick@DanMKervick urt. 27

@MiamiDadeFLA @netbacker Yes, but that’s irrelevant. If you increase nominal govt demand by that amount, but don’t reduce private demand…

Nathan Becker@netbacker urt. 27

.@StephanieKelton @ddayen IOW: The “deficit hysteria” is Congress’s method for cutting benefits to the 99%, without leaving any fingerprints

Bill Bachofner@billthenewguy urt. 26

@StephanieKelton @ddayen “political weapon of mass destruction” it seems to commoners

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