Mosler eta neokeynestarrak

Zer gertatzen zaie neokeynestarrei?

Hasierarako, ikus ondokoak:

Interes tasa negatiboak

Zazpi gezur politika ekonomikoan (Ezjakintasunaren alferkeriak nagusi)

Zer dela eta ez dute neokeynestarrek DTM ulertu?

Ikus Warren Mosler — There is no right time for the Fed to raise rates! 1

Iruzkinetan, John izeneko batek dioenez2,

Krugman, Stiglitz, SWL [S. Wren-Lewis] and Rowe aren’t stupid; they’re exceptionally intelligent. The reason they don’t get MMT is because they’re ideologically blind to anything than what they’ve been taught and been teaching for decades, and that’s a near impossible thing to deal with.

So take the fact that a country cannot tax if it hasn’t already spent the money into existence. Unless someone can explain how it can be otherwise, what is it they don’t understand?

So take the BoE [Bank of England] report last year that explained that commercial banks create money. That’s horizontal money. We know that the government creates money. That’s vertical money. What is it they don’t understand?

So take the fact that no country with a freely floating currency with no foreign denominated has gone bust. What is it they don’t understand?

The list goes on and on and on. They’re ideologically committed. That’s why when they take the trouble to read Wray or Mitchell or whoever they mangle the meaning. They understand the words, but they translate it back into the very framework that the MMTers have shown to be erroneous.”

Neokeynestar argi eta adimentsuei John izeneko horrek aipatutakoa gertatzen bazaie, zer gertatuko ote zaie hemengo euskal progreei?

Eredurik? Hoberena hemen:

Grezia dela eta, heterodoxia versus ortodoxia…

Grezia dela eta, heterodoxia versus ortodoxia…(2)

Ez egin barre larregi, arren!


Ikus MMT comes to the rescue… (DTM erreskatera dator…)

Erlazio horizontalak eta bertikalak:

It would help to read this blog – Deficit spending 101 – Part 3where a detailed analysis of what modern monetary theorists refer to as the horizontal relations in a monetary system is presented. We distinguish the horizontal dimension (which entails all transactions between entities in the non-government sector) from the vertical dimension (which entails all transactions between the government and non-government sector).

In simple terms, the horizontal dimension is equivalent (totally consistent) with the (properly accounted for) circuit theory and endogenous money models.”

Halaber, ikus Modern Monetary Theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1 Ikus

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Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude