Merkataritza-bankuek dirua sortzen dute (diru ‘horizontala’) eta gobernuak dirua sortzen du (diru ‘bertikala’):
Ikus Mosler eta neokeynestarrak
Halaber, ikus:
(a) Modern Monetary Theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(b) MMT comes to the rescue… (DTM erreskatera dator…)
Erlazio horizontalak eta bertikalak:
“It would help to read this blog – Deficit spending 101 – Part 3– where a detailed analysis of what modern monetary theorists refer to as the horizontal relations in a monetary system is presented. We distinguish the horizontal dimension (which entails all transactions between entities in the non-government sector) from the vertical dimension (which entails all transactions between the government and non-government sector).
In simple terms, the horizontal dimension is equivalent (totally consistent) with the (properly accounted for) circuit theory and endogenous money models.”
Zirkuitu teoriari buruz, ikus:
Warren Mosler: MMT (DTM) eta zirkuitu monetarioaren teoria
joseba says:
Mosler, W., and M. Forstater. 1998. “A General Framework for the Analysis of Currencies and Commodities.” in P. Davidson and J. Kregel (eds.) Full Employment and Price Stability in a Global Economy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.