Gobernu federala (moneta jaulkitzailea), Estatu gobernuak (Puerto Rico, kasu, moneta erabiltzaileak), zorra, aurrekontua, defizitak, …
Moneta jaulkitzaileak eta moneta erabiltzaileak
Eta Euskal Herrirako, ondoko hau:
E-posten trukaketa:
@OriginalCherFan You and I need charge cards and credit cards. Not the Fed Gov’t @commchf @Appleice20
Chuck #CherCrew @OriginalCherFan
But they have to sell bonds or have it bought…like China…Japan. @netbacker @commchf @Appleice20
@OriginalCherFan They don’t *have to*. It’s a subsidy to savers/investors/pension funds etc @commchf @Appleice20
Chuck #CherCrew @OriginalCherFan
If this is true..then what is happening to Puerto Rico? @netbacker @commchf @Appleice20
@OriginalCherFan @netbacker @Appleice20 PR is like a state, can’t create money.
@OriginalCherFan @netbacker @Appleice20 Greece used to have its own currency, they gave it up and now can’t fix own economy. Bad idea.
@commchf @netbacker @OriginalCherFan @Appleice20 Same problem for every US state, etc.
2016 mai. 7