W. Mosler-en lana: Mtg purchase apps, Gas prices, Greek debt, Euro area trade and inflation, Oil prices1
Greziako zorra:
Mosler-ek dioenez, ondoko oharrean azaltzen dena praktikoki zor barkamena da, eta Greziak bere horretan onartu behar du2.
Euroguneko merkataritza gainontzeko munduarekiko:
Molser-en hitzez, merkataritzak segitzen du euroaren gaineko funtsezko babes serio hornitzen, yena-ren alde egin zuen moduan bi hamarkadetan, nahiz eta 0 interes tasarekin, QE delakoarekin eta agian zor/BPG ratio mundukorik handiena izan3.
Ondokoak ere eurorako funtsezko babesa hornitzen du.
1 Ikus http://moslereconomics.com/2016/05/18/mtg-purchase-apps-gas-prices-greek-debt-euro-area-trade-inflation-oil-prices/.
2 Mosler-en hitzak: “Again, for all practical purposes this IS full debt forgiveness, and something Greece has yet to recognize as such.”
Albistea: “IMF Proposal on Greece Sets Up Battle With Germany
May 17 (WSJ) — A new IMF proposal goes far beyond what Greece’s eurozone creditors have said they are willing to do. Germany is leading the pressure on the IMF to dilute its demands and rejoin the Greek bailout program as a lender. The IMF wants eurozone countries to accept long delays in the repayment of Greece’s bailout loans, which would fall due in the period from 2040 to 2080 under the proposal. The IMF is also pressing for Greece’s interest rate on its eurozone loans to be fixed for 30 to 40 years at its current average level of 1.5%, with all interest payments postponed until loans start falling due.”
3 Ingelesez: “Trade continues to provide serious fundamental support for the euro, much like it did for the yen for two decades, which continued to strengthen even with 0 rates, QE, and perhaps the highest debt/GDP ratios in the world.”