Moneta berria jaulkiko ote du balediko Eskozia independenteak?

Will Scotland vote for independence and institute a new currency?

(1)Albistea: Scotland Is About To Have Its Own Currency And Much More: How JPM Sees Brexit Playing Out1

(a) Citigroup eta post-Brexit-en eskema2

(b) JPM eta Ezkozia: moneta berria Britainia Handiak Europako Batasuna 2019an utzi baino lehen3

(2) Albistea: Queen Urges “Keep Calm” As Scotland Seeks To Block Brexit4

(i) Eskoziaz5

(ii) Brexit dela eta, Eskoziako MP David Mundell-ek dioena6

(3) Gogoratzekoa:

Eskozia eta Katalunia /edo/ Katalunia eta Eskozia

Hortaz, aipatu bezala,

Every young kid in school should be taught that the Scottish government can never run out of money, is not subject to the whims of the private bond markets if it does not choose to be, and is never unable to ensure there is enough work for all.”


Zer egin Eskozian?

Eskoziako Banku Zentrala( (BZ)

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Mosler-en proposamena

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horrelako ordainketak eta finantzaketak. Kostua zero da

2 Ingelesez: “Several days ago, we showed a schematic of what Citigroup thought the post-Brexit political timeline would look like. This was released before Brexit was official.

3 Ingelesez: “Now that Brexit is official, JPM’s Malcolm Barr has come out with his base case forecast of “How Brexit Happens.” For those following the constant drama, there is little new here, except for one thing – the thing that caused a mini scandal earlier today during the EU Summit between Juncker and Rajoy – namely the treatment of Scotland. Here JPM said that it now expects Scotland to vote for independence and introduce its own currency before Britain leaves the European Union in 2019.

Our base case is that Scotland will vote for independence and institute a new currency at that point (2019),” JP Morgan economist Malcolm Barr said in a note to clients on Wednesday. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will meet European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on Wednesday afternoon, seeking a way for Scotland to remain in the EU. As Reuters reminds us, Scotland voted to stay in the EU in last week’s referendum, putting it at odds with the United Kingdom as a whole, which voted 52-48 percent in favor of Brexit.

If JPM is right, it means a historic split is in store for the United Kingdom which will see Scotland split politically from England and allign itself with the EU, something which would likely inspire a fresh wave of secessionist movements across Europe. Or, as the market would say, “bullish.“”

5 Ingelesez: “If there is a way to stay in the EU, I am determined to pursue it,” proclaimed Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in an interview with Greece’s To Ethnos newspaper, noting that Scottish parliament is looking into legal grounds for a new referendum on secession from UK. This confirms JPMorgan’s base case that Scotland will vote for independence and institute a new currency at that point. Shortly after Sturgeon’s comments, The Queen made her first post-Brexit speech (ironically in Scottish parliament) urging Britons to “stay calm and focused,” pointedly noting “real leadership requires deeper and more dispassionate thinking in turbulent times.””

6 Ingelesez: “Scottish Secretary and Conservative MP David Mundell said:We have to respect the result on Thursday, even if we don’t like it – it was a UK wide vote – it was a vote by people across the UK.”

Asked about the possibility of Scotland stopping Brexit, he said: What we need to see is the legal mechanism that we go through to get to a situation of the UK leaving and then said clearly that “I personally don’t believe the Scottish Parliament is in position to block Brexit, but I haven’t seen the legal documentation that you refer to in your interview with Nicola [Sturgeon].”

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