Ekonomialariek eta politikariek ez dute ikasi nahi

Eurogunetik at, ba ote dago bizitzarik?

Euro, markets, democracy 2016 – Is there life outside the euro (!/?)1


M. Draghi: EBZ eta politikariak


Interview Mario Draghi with German television (English version) http://download.media.tagesschau.de/video/2016/0928/TV-20160928-2154-2901.webm.h264.mp4 …

2016 ira. 28

Oso interesgarriak azken minutuak, EZB-ren eta politikarien rolaz aritzen denean, 5:39tik aurrera…, alegia, politikariek zabaldu behar dute EBZ-k esaten duena (sic).

M. Draghi Alemanian

Working together for growth in Europe3

I will talk about what else is needed. (…)

The EU Treaties gave the ECB the primary objective of maintaining price stability in the euro area as a whole. (…)

How do we achieve our price stability objective? When inflation is too high, central banks raise interest rates to break the upward trend; when inflation is too low, they lower interest rates to achieve the opposite. (…)


… But when lowering interest rates alone may not be sufficient to return to inflation rates that are in line with price stability, central banks may need to use other instruments to ease monetary and financial conditions. This is why we launched other measures, such as our asset purchase programmes. And we are by no means unique in this. Around the globe, central banks of the major advanced economies like the US, the UK and Japan have all embarked on large-scale sovereign bond purchase programmes to fulfil their mandate. (…)

… This is about structural reforms that are a necessary complement to our monetary policy. (…) I have highlighted this many times in the past.[7]

([7]. On the importance of policy alignment to fulfil our economic potential, hots, produktibitatea areagotzea)

Alegia, betiko leloak: politika monetarioa (ez fiskala!), QE (hots, zerga berezi bat, i.e., jadanik existitzen diren aktiboak erostea!!) gehi neoliberalen betiko programa: produktibitatea areagotzea…

Mosler aspaldian aritu zen horretaz guztiez:

M. Draghi (EBZ-ko presidentea) eta W. Mosler

QE: Mosler eta Draghi, berriz…

EBZko orakulua (aka Mario Draghi) eta Warren Mosle

Draghi-k ez du ezer ikasi…

Draghi jauna: arren, atzera, lan egitera!

Draghi-k ez du ezer ikasi! (2)

Draghi-ren politika monetarioaren (QE) itxaropenak, gabeziak eta ondorioak

Ekonomialariek eta politikariez ez dute DTM ulertu nahi

Why Don’t Economists And Politicians Get MMT?4

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude