Warren Mosler-ek (in Elkarrizketa Warren Mosler-i):
Moneta Estatuaren monopolioa da
“Galdera: Esan dezakezu paragrafo batean zertan datzan Diru Teoria Modernoa (DTM)?
Erantzuna: Moneta Estatuaren monopolioa dela onarpen esplizitua da. Beste guztia aintzakotzat hartu ez den onarpen horretatik etortzen da eta itxuraz konplexua dena erlatiboki xalo bilakatzen duen behaketa da.”
Neil Wilson-ek (in Zer da lana? (Neil Wilson)):
Aisia lana da, bera egiteko ordaindu behar duzun aisia
Lana aisia da, bera egiteko ordainduta lortzen duzun aisia
“Leisure is work you pay to do. Work is leisure you get paid to do.”
Warren Mosler-k (in Langabezia eta lan bermea (W. Mosler eta B. Mitchell)):
Langabezia Gobernuak sortzen du
soilik Gobernuak konpondu dezake
“Unemployment Is Created By Government
Can Only Be Solved By Government”
Pavlina Tcherneva-k (in Nekazaritza, Industria, Zerbitzuak, Robotika,… eta job guarantee (lan bermea)):
Egin ditzaten robotek lan manufakturatuak
diseinatu dezagun ardurazko ekonomia bat
ingurugiroaz, komunitateaz eta jendeaz arduratzen diren jende guztientzako lanpostu txukunekin
“Let robots do the manuf jobs
design a care economy with decent jobs for all that care for the environment, communities and people”
Lan bermea
Warren Mosler, Bill Mitchell, Pavlina Tcherneva eta Neil Wilson-ek (besteak beste, ondoko linketan1)
Gehigarria lan bermeaz:
ROBOTAK: Pavlina Tcherneva (in Elkarrizketa Pavlina Tcherneva-ri)
Lan mota: ardura sozialekoak
Soldata: 35 ordu astero x 4 aste hilero x 8€ orduko = 1.120 € hilero (minimoan)
1 Ikus Lan bermeaz (job guarantee delakoaz); Warren Mosler: lan bermea: Lan bermea: historia eta istorioak; Pobreziaren aurka, lan postuak, hots, lan bermea; Langabezia, Gobernua eta lan bermea; Basic income ala job guarantee?; Oinarrizko errenta ala lan bermea?; Lan bermea, berriz; Pavlina Tcherneva lan bermeaz (job guarantee); Lan bermea (Pavlina Tcherneva-ri elkarrizketa); Langabezia eta lan bermea (W. Mosler eta B. Mitchell); Lan bermea, lanpostu bermatuak jendearentzat; Pavlina Tcherneva -ri egindako elkarrizketa; Elkarrizketa Pavlina Tcherneva-ri; Pavlina Tcherneva Madrilen egon berri da; Zer da lana? (Neil Wilson); …
joseba says:
Why Socialist Job Guarantees Are Better Than Universal Basic Income
UBI as Hyperinflationary
UBI as Oppressive Volunteerism
The Job Guarantee: History of a Non-Reformist Reform
A Self-Managed Socialist Job Guarante
joseba says:
A basic income guarantee is a neo-liberal strategy for serfdom without the work
Mitchell on Job Guarantee:
Job Guarantee
joseba says:
Is Basic Income Basically Unproductive?
Under a Job Guarantee GDP will always be higher and not just because you get paid more
“The expenditure calculation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) consists of the sum of Gross Private Consumption Expenditure ‘C’, Government Purchases, Gross Private Investment ‘I’, and Net Exports (X – M).
GDP = C + I + G + (X – M)
G is government purchases, but it excludes all transfer payments — since they don’t add to production they just move it around. That means it would exclude any Basic Income payment.
However a Job Guarantee is a job and the government is purchasing output from the individual with the Job Guarantee Wage. In this case the payment does add to GDP and is included in G.
If we said that a government payment of 100 units created consumption of 1000 units, investment of 100 units, and net exports of 100 units then a basic income GDP would be:
GDP = 1000 + 100 + 0 + 100 = 1200
whereas a Job Guarantee, where the payment is a wage in return for output, would be:
GDP = 1000 + 100 + 100 + 100 = 1300
So for the UK, the Job Guarantee wage of £375 per week would add that amount additionally to GDP each week for every person on it, whereas an equivalent £375 Basic Income payment would add precisely nothing in addition. (Not that anybody is proposing a UK basic income at the living wage level. Even amounts as low as £80 per week are spoken of in hushed tones to avoid scaring the horses).
You get a greater GDP under a Job Guarantee because people perform a service or produce output to get the wage. Just like any other job.
The Job Guarantee — a living wage, larger GDP, less tax to pay. Why settle for anything less?”
joseba says:
Automation and full employment – back to the 1960s
Countering the march of the robots narrative