Kreditu kontrola (egiaztapenak)

Warren Mosler — Credit check1

Yikes! Check out that 2nd derivative!

Sure looks like something bad happened early in q416 to an economy already decelerating since oil capex collapsed just over a couple of years ago.

Seems to me the only thing preventing a stock market collapse is a stock market collapse…

Kreditu hedapena gutxitzen ari da arlo desberdinetan…


Edward Harrison-en US credit growth is decelerating across a variety of areas

This week all eyes will be on the Fed because of its expected interest rate hike and the messaging that will accompany its policy decision. But credit markets should also be focused elsewhere, because credit growth has been decelerating across a wide array of markets for months now. And this trend has not let up in recent months, despite the Fed’s optimism about labor markets. The big outlier is consumer lending.

Why it matters: The economy is not necessarily accelerating, despite the Fed’s rate hikes. Credit growth is a key determinant of economic growth because spending on credit adds incrementally to GDP growth. Decelerating credit growth outside of consumer areas could be a warning sign for the US economy.”

1 Ikus Credit check.

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