Warren Mosler eta zergak

Hasierarako, ikus Zergek ez daukate inongo zerikusirik errentaren hornitzearekin


(i) Taxes Drive Money1

“The difference between money and litter is the tax man.”
Warren Mosler

(ii) The Purpose Of Money Is To Provision Government (or, “How To Turn Litter Into Money”)2

Warren Mosler, one of the founders of Modern Monetary Theory, on what the logical purpose of money is.

This is not to say that it doesn’t achieve other ends as well, but rather that as a point of logic it is a solution to the problem of how to provision government.

“How To Turn Litter Into Money” demonstrates the mechanism by which acceptance (or “acceptation”) of money can be driven by the power standing behind the issuing authority.

This contrast with the general public perception that so-called “fiat money” is accepted only because the government says so.

(iii) Money, Litter and The Tax Man3

Warren Mosler Modern Money vs Austrian School

“The difference between money and litter is the tax man.”  Warren Mosler

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