Visca Catalunya Lliure!

visca catalunya lliure bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak

Hasiera: (in Vocale Europe delakotik ICEC-Euskal Herria delakora)

… It is known that Brussels is no fan of the Switzerland EEA [European Economic Area] deal, but perhaps this is the direction of travel needed – to manage the tension between the need to collaborate and the need to respect that we all have a sense of place and cannot squeeze over 500 million people into one governance model. “


(i) Warren Mosler eta ICEC-Euskal Herria

Warren Mosler eta ICEC-Euskal Herria

Options for prosperity – Warren  Mosler (for ICEC – Basque Countries)


April 26, 2016 Policy options for the eurozone

(ii) Katalunia: estatu berria

Europar Batasuneko (EB) estatu berriei Mosler-en proposamenak aplikatu dakizkieke

Izan ere (in Options for prosperity – Warren  Mosler (for ICEC – Basque Countries)),

In the following presentation Mosler deals with the options the eurozone has. He presents two plans for any member state in the eurozone, (in this work he deals with Italy).

Plan A is to work with the EU to expand fiscal limits.

A credible Plan B is essential to achieving Plan A.

Transitions Jobs are also necessary.

(The work can be applied to any member state in the eurozone, as well as to any new state that can arise through the application of the principle of self-determination.)”


Plan A

Demand that the EU raises the deficit limit from %3 to %8 of GDP

Plan B: New Lira

Tax and spend in New Lira

No deposit conversion to sustain a firm and stable currency

Full depost insurance for lira bank deposits

A permanent 0% risk free rate policy

A Bank of Italy funded full time transition job for anyone willing and able to work


Plan A is to work with the EU to relax fiscal constraints

A credible Plan B is required to drive negotiations

(iii) Ondorioa

Beraz, jadanik aipatu bezala, Kataluniak bere A eta B planak prestatu beharko lituzke, ahalik eta lasterren


Italiarako (edo/eta Kataluniarako proposamena):


Katalunia eta DTM

Katalunia eta Warren Mosler

Non dago dirua Europar Batasunean?

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude